Now is the time to lobby your Senators -- especially if they are on the Senate Judiciary Committee!

The Sessions/Shumer senate forfeiture bill -- S. 1701 -- has been introduced in the Senate.  This is a horrible forfeiture expansion bill which makes forfeiture procedures worse than present law.  The co-sponsors of S. 1701 on the Judiciary Committee are marked with a red asterisk.*

It is urgent that we all act now to defeat this horrible bill and get Senate support for a companion bill to HR 1658.  Please write or e-mail your Senators now, asking them to oppose S. 1701 and to co-sponsor a companion bill to HR 1658, the Hyde Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Bill which passed in the House this summer.  If your Senator is on the Judiciary Committee (see list below) it is especially important that you write him or her now, to stop this horrible bill from passing out of the Judiciary Committee.  We've worked too hard to get our bill passed in the House to stop now!

Senate Judiciary Committee

Utah - Orrin G. Hatch, Chairman
South Carolina - Strom Thurmond *
Iowa - Charles E. Grassley
Pennsylvania - Arlen Specter
Arizona - Jon Kyl
Ohio - Mike DeWine
Missouri - John Ashcroft
Michigan - Spencer Abraham
Alabama - Jeff Sessions *
New Hampshire - Bob Smith
Vermont - Patrick J. Leahy
Massachusetts - Edward M. Kennedy
Delaware - Joseph R. Biden, Jr. *
Wisconsin - Herb Kohl
California - Dianne Feinstein *
Wisconsin - Russell D. Feingold
New Jersey - Robert G. Torricelli
New York - Charles E. Schumer *