FEAR's Legislation Archive

Materials on HR-1965 -- (the 1997 version of the Hyde forfeiture reform bill after the Department of Justice was allowed to rewrite it)

Last update August 17, 1997

HR-1965 -- the bill, in its current format -- with hypertext links to F.E.A.R.'s commentary on individual sections.

The procedural 'reforms' of this bill take away more due process than they add, -- analysis by Brenda Grantland, Esq., F.E.A.R. Board of Directors

The international forfeiture provisions in HR-1965 -- analysis by Mark Nestmann, (c)1997 Asset Protection International, republished with permission

ACLU press release opposing HR-1965

National Rifle Association press release opposing HR-1965

Gun Owners of America press release opposing HR-1965

Conservative Consensus press release opposing HR-1965