Misappropriated plunder used for personal gain
by Judy Osburn

FEAR Foundation Journal, Vol. 1 No. 1

Fall 2003

posted on FEAR website 4/10/2004
(c) 2003 FEAR Foundation.  Reprinting for distribution without charge, and republication permitted if article is printed in its entirety without editing, and attribution is given to FEAR Foundation Journal, Forfeiture Endangers American Rights Foundation, 20 Sunnyside Suite A-419, Mill Valley, CA 94941. 

Federal forfeiture revenues kicked back to local agencies in Minnesota illegally funded a personal political agenda. Franklin, MN, Police Chief Ken Bohn said he will file complaints with five county, state and federal agencies. Chief Bohn alleges that Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke misused drug forfeiture dollars for political gain.

Bohn questions Clarke’s use of nearly $10,000 to buy his department’s Chevrolet Tahoe, which Bohn said the sheriff has used while campaigning, as well as $2,000 spent on billboards about an identity theft awareness campaign - that included Clarke’s photograph–three weeks before the September primary election.