Committee |
Function |
Notes |
Computer Operations
Check for broken URL links and find the right links |
Computer Security and File Backup |
Create promotional CD-Roms |
Develop Administrative Databases |
Gather the state forfeiture statutes, and flesh out state forfeiture statutes section of website |
whether through WWW or scanning |
Graphics Design |
Maintain Website database for victims |
Make web pages out of FEAR-List bulletins |
Manage FEAR Forum |
Manage FEAR-List |
Monitor news sources and post articles to List and Forum |
Optimize the Web page for attractiveness and information |
1. Enhance web page design for
ease of use, attractiveness and maximum information content. |
Promote and schedule programs the FEAR website chatroom |
Also set up chats for management and committee meetings |
Promote the site throughout the WWW |
1. Make sure all major search
engines are aware of FEAR |
Respond to Guest Book entries, telling them about FEAR services and committees |
Scan and OCR documents |
Surf the web for links we should add to government publications, other nonprofits' articles |
Education and Publications
Analysis of government Annual Reports |
Create handouts to lobby for or against particular forfeiture bills, state and federal |
Op Eds and letters to the Editor |
Research and report new developments in case law |
Research and report new developments in pending legislation |
Research and report on Forfeiture statistics for each state |
Update FEAR position paper and pamphlets |
Write and publish articles or studies about forfeiture in the various areas of academia |
Political science, history, constitutional law, criminal justice, etc. |
Write stories about forfeiture for other publications |
Write stories for the FEAR newsletter, website, FEAR-List & Forum |
Fiscal (Tom Gordon) |
Develop and implement a strategy for adequate funding |
Maintain Membership List and Accounting |
Pursues grants |
Legal (Brenda Grantland) |
Amicus curiae briefs in forfeiture cases that go to the Supreme Court |
CLE courses on forfeiture law to train lawyers |
Give sample pleadings etc. to the Brief Bank |
Help in writing/editing FEAR Forfeiture Defense Manual |
Help research/write the forfeiture defense manual |
Help write pro se materials |
Pro bono advice for victims who call, write or e-mail |
Pro bono test cases |
Legislation and Lobbying (Arnold Gaunt) |
Drafting forfeiture reform legislation |
Grass roots support, petition-gathering, etc. |
Insure that state coordinators lobby for forfeiture reform in their states |
Legislative hearings on forfeiture bills, and how to do it |
Letter-writing and visits to legislators |
Liaison with other nonprofits and unions to rally support |
Radio spokespersons & other media campaigning |
Track legislative activity that involves forfeiture |
Membership and Promotion
Actively pursue methods for promoting public awareness of FEAR |
Actively pursue methods to increase membership in FEAR |
Man booths at conferences and conventions |
Setup regional FEAR meetings with speakers |
News Media (Tom Gordon) |
Arrange for FEAR reps to appear on Talk shows |
Develop a plan of regular press releases to the media contacts |
Expand database of media contacts |
Issue press releases, etc. |
Monitor media for any forfeiture related articles |
Produce TV and other Media events |
Put together a promotional packet about FEAR, with a spokesperson handout |
Give the names and profiles of people willing to be interviewed by the press or to do radio or t.v. shows |
State Coordinators/ Volunteers
Develop active coordination of all state coordinators |
Promote volunteering to serve with FEAR |
Victim Support (Sunni Liston) |
Contact Victims and provide support |
Create a campaign to locate victims and tell them about what we can offer them |
using volunteers who go to their local and federal courthouses and look in the case records to find recent pending cases and get the names and contact info. |
Maintain database of victims |
we have the victim questionnaire dumping to .txt files |
Maintain list of lawyers willing to answer questions from victims |
relayed from Sunni is sending all of them to Brenda now |